Use your browser's search feature to locate DISCLAIMER! - RadiolaGuy lists the resources below with the intent to offer a direction in your quest for help. I am not responsible for their work or products offered.
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> Pam Clocks/faces -
> Poster Prints Adams Radio - a great place for early radio specialty parts Batteries, vintage looking make your own vintage looking batteries for the 1920's radios
Cabinet hardware:
House of antique Hardware Capacitors & vintage radio supplies, Bob's: best place to buy your capacitors and other restoration supplies. Capacitors & vintage radio supplies, Mark Oppat has it all. Dave's Homemade - kits, info & hard to find parts Dial scales RadiolaGuy's Dial scale replicas Dial Lenses (covers) Dial drive cable (yes the old fashioned heavy bronze stuff) - Adams Radio Just radios and excellent source for modern replacement parts parts & supplies
Blake Dietze Big River Hardware, Knobs and more Cabinet Knobs, grommets and other reproduction parts: Parts: I have a very limited number of early parts and as a rule don't sell them. I do have a lot of tubes but I must admit no bargain basement prices. If you are seeking something special, feel free to ask. e-mail RadiolaGuy Playthings of the Past (Gary Schneider) Phone # (216) 251-3714 Phono belts, needles and more - Phono Needles, belts. A one stop site for your turntable parts & accessories needs. Phonograph Cartridge Rebuilding, west-tech services Power supply for you vintage battery radio I use and recommend the ARBE-III, a quality professionally built unit. Offers retro products including vintage Crosley record players, turntable stands, reproduction antique telephones, and movie popcorn machines. Play Things of the Past Vintage Radios, Tubes, Parts Peebles Originals - fine radio kits and great resource for radio kits, crystal & other radio & radio related projects + hard to find parts Radio kits - Dave's Homemade another fine resource for kit builders of crystal & other radio & radio related projects Reproduction manuals, pamphlets, brochures, & labels Radiolaguy Parts & Restoration items Radio Daze ( now - ) Parts, Repro items, Decals, everything for the vintage radio enthusiast Radio Supply Company (formerly Radio Daze) Parts, Repro items, Decals, everything for the vintage radio enthusiast Old Radio Parts Mark Oppat has lots & lot of parts, supplies and more
cones & parts Television high voltage capacitors Tube Tester Service, HICKOK & Triplett Tube Tester service & calibration : Paul Hart Tube tester roll chart reproductions (specializing if reproducing continuous roll charts for Hickok tube testers). email Peter directly (by clicking on link) as he has no web site West-Tech Services: a variety of service offered
Repairs & restoration services Alabama The Old Radio Repair Shop electronic service from the 1930's to the 1970's California Bay Area: Antique Radio Service, Paul Warenycia E-mail only: California Television restoration; Amptech Systems all types of vintage television restoration services Connecticut (Northeast area), Antique Radio Service: Bob Eslinger/KR1U Idaho, Twin Falls - Jeff Webster - Vintage Tunes Radios restoration service and more. Indiana - restoration service and more. North Carolina (Charlotte), Rogers radio restoration services, Ohio (Dayton area) Toms Antique Radio Repair Tom Senne Ohio (Loveland) Dan Landon Restoration service for vintage electronics including Tube Tester Meter Replacement: Oregon, Lafayette (near McMinnville) Speak Easy Radios Specializing in the Repair & Restoration of Vintage Radios Oregon (southern) Auto radio (Grants Pass area): Classic cars 1932- up. GM ,Chrysler, Ford, Packard, Hudson. Expert stock restorations: Vacuum tube or transistor; No FM conversions. Originals Only. Barry Dalton (Antique Radio Doctor) Tennessee, Murfreesboro Philco Predicta Television Restoration: David Weddington GEORGIA, HICKOK & Triplett Tube Tester service & calibration : Paul Hart Washington, Vancouver & Portland, OR area: Blake Dietze - tube type radios only Washington, Vancouver & Portland, OR area: Pat Hickman - audio equipment, amps, tuners - High-End. Other Info & Services (not identified by state) British Antique Telephone repair - The Early Television Foundation - Steve McVoy
rewinding/repair - *Speaker
driver repair/re-winding. George Kirkwood: Johns Vintage Radios - repair, sales & restoration Phonograph Cartridge Rebuilding, and other services - West-Tech services specializes in rebuilding of the old 78 rpm crystal & magnetic phono cartridges. Also your source for idlers & many other phono related services. Meter Repair, tube tester and other panel meter repair service by Branom Instrument Company
Test Equipment,
and more:
West - Tech - offers a variety of services.
Audio, Stereo & Hi-Fi Hi-Fi Stereo service/restoration - Washington, Vancouver & Portland, OR area: Pat Hickman - audio equipment, amps, tuners - High-End. Phono idlers, RCA 45 RPM repair kits: West-Tech Services Auto radio service
Washington, Vancouver & Portland, OR area Auto radio vintage GM products only service & parts Ray Holland, e-mail: Ray Holland Washington, Vancouver & Portland, OR area: Blake Dietze - tube type radios only