LINKS | eBay Feedback/Auction | INFORMATION | CONTACT INFO | updated 4-04-24 |
THE FIRST THING ONE SHOULD DO WHEN VIEWING A WEB PAGE IS TO MAKE SURE YOU ARE SEEING THE LATEST VERSION. YOU DO SO BY REFRESHING THE PAGE (F5). ON Do not Hesitate to make an offer on hardware stuff but not flatwork. Reasonable (and sometimes) unreasonable offers will be considered and may be accepted. The worst that can happen, is; I will decline and without prejudice.
I do not take credit cards
and do not wish to conduct
business via text messaging,
email me instead.
Any information you provide will not be shared with anyone or added to an email list.
My email address and phone number are
shown as an image by design to deter spam bots. They are not an active links
so spam bots can't read em. You'll need to type in
the address to make contact. You may address me as
"Sonny". Phone contact: I recently had to change my number. For an inquiry or questions, you may contact me by phone during the hours of 9:00 aye-em and 6:00 pee-em (PACIFIC TIME) Sunday - Friday. Below is my phone number. Please do not call to place an order as I do not take credit cards. If you call outside the hours noted above, you will likely find me quite grumpy and uncooperative!